The Wimbledon Chronicles Loan Box A Primary School Loan Box around the subject of 100 Years of Wimbledon. The box included the following: Map of Wimbledon The Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum had a really old map of Wimbledon that they wanted to blow up to A0 size to be used in school as part [...]
Covent Garden Wall Art
Avadawebsitemanager2023-04-13T15:52:20+01:00Covent Garden Wall Art Wall art for one of the Bain & Company meeting rooms around the subject of Covent Garden. Covent Garden is one of our favourite places because we feel it’s a place for everyone. You have great bars and restaurants; high street stores as well as the markets where you can [...]
Notting Hill Wall Art
Avadawebsitemanager2023-03-29T14:55:36+01:00Notting Hill Wall Art Wall art for one of the Bain & Company meeting rooms around the subject of Notting Hill. Notting Hill is a vibrant and trendy area with colourful houses – depicted in the background of this illustration. Notting Hill Carnival reflects the area’s Caribbean roots so we felt this was a must [...]
Emotional Reflection Emojis
Avadawebsitemanager2023-03-28T16:45:59+01:00Emotion Reflection Emoji Design The jewish Museum London needed some custom emojis design for an emotional reflection sheet that is given out to participants after a workshop. We created these bold and bright icons with small symbols in each corner to emphasise the meaning of each emotion, whilst also creating something different to the [...]
Inclusive Judaism
Avadawebsitemanager2023-04-13T15:53:33+01:00Inclusive Judaism A Jewish Museum required a headline image for their Inclusive Judaism program and to increase public understanding of the vibrant diversity in Judaism and the Jewish community. The challenge was to create something that also connected individuals and showed a real disruption of visual culture. The target audiences were teachers and those [...]

The Jewish Museum’s Phased Re-Opening
Avadawebsitemanager2023-04-03T13:51:34+01:00The Jewish Museum's Phased Re-Opening When Covid19 hit, like many other businesses, the Jewish Museum found new ways to target their audiences and built up their online presence. They approached me to create a digital report showcasing their achievements during lockdown. View the case study here. As part of their phased reopening, this report [...]
Mishcon de Reya
Avadawebsitemanager2022-03-08T13:50:03+00:00Social Impact Wall Mishcon de Reya wanted to celebrate the wide-ranging successful initiatives that the staff have participated in, whilst gathering feedback and suggestions for potential new projects. Solution: A five-meter-long bespoke wall illustration communicating the organisation’s success in a playful and interactive way. Staff were invited to feedback on existing projects using and encouraged [...]
Museum in a Box
Avadawebsitemanager2023-04-03T13:16:59+01:00Museum in a Box The Jewish Museum London asked us to come up with a cover design for 3 large flight boxes. Each box contains 6 cases with various objects and activities that are loaned out to schools in the UK to teach students about Judaism. The Museum referred to these as the "Museum [...]
Gordon’s Gin
Avadawebsitemanager2022-01-27T15:11:39+00:00Gordon's Gin POS Concept design for an immersive shopper experience for Gordon's Gin anniversary. The concept was around the idea of a botanical garden, inviting shoppers to experience the refreshing taste of Gordon’s Gin with their eyes! The play on words “Get into the Spirit – experience the refreshing taste” was the key message, asking [...]
Curious Crowns Trail
Toffee Design2023-04-05T15:09:13+01:00The Jewish Museum's Curious Crowns Trail Curious Crowns logo and trail for the Jewish Museum London. Filled with illustrations and activities for children all contained within a customised bag. Client: Jewish Museum London Sector: Art & Culture Services: Children's Museum Trail, Illustrations, Logo Design