Welsh Jewish Heritage Centre Logo

The Foundation for Jewish Heritage have saved the Merthyr Tydfil synagogue in Wales and have received National Lottery Funding to turn it into a Heritage Centre.

Merthyr Tydfil synagogue represents shared heritage. It is of Jewish, Welsh, British and European heritage. Its preservation is part of a visionary project that will educate about and celebrate the Jews of Wales, while also conveying an important message about diversity, tolerance and understanding. The project is preserving the heritage of the past in order to play a meaningful role in the society of today.

We therefore required a logo that emphasised this message clearly and is contemporary, forward-thinking and inviting. Initially the client wanted an illustration of the whole building. This felt too busy, and instead we zoomed right in to one of the windows which had a stain-glass panel of the star of David. This along with a Welsh looking dragon was the perfect combination for our logo – something simple, eye-catching and on point.

We used the dragon statue that sits on top of the roof as inspiration for our dragon symbol and depicted it hugging/protecting the windows – emphasising the idea of preservation and the work done by the Foundation. The face of the dragon is drawn from that on the building itself – it almost has a look of concern, like a protective mother, making it more friendly looking and steering away from stereotypes of an angry dragon . The dragon is red, as it is on the Welsh flag, but we used a more subtle red with a hint of orange to add more warmth to the logo.

Client: Foundation for Jewish Heritage
Sector: Art & Culture
Services: Logo Design