Brunel Museum Family Trail

Brunel Museum wanted to open up their offering to families, by introducing their first family trail

It’s 1835 and the Thames Tunnel has laid unfinished for the past 7 years. Work is about to begin again, but there’s a problem. In the last flood, the blueprints got wet and some of the detail has been smudged out.

To design/illustrate an unfinished blueprint for families to complete. It must be

We designed/illustrated an unfinished blueprint for families to complete. We made it look like it was from its time, by using the style of an original blueprint that can be found in the museum. We added water-marks and smudges for an authentic look in areas that we wanted filled in by participants. We added a hand-written note to the top right to introduce the activity and made look like it was attached to the blueprint by a paperclip. Additional questions and activities were added to the blueprint in the form of notes on scrap pieces of paper.

Client: The Brunel Museum Thames Tunnel
Sector: Art & Heritage
Services: Family Trail, Print Design