Jewish Museum Impact Reports

When Covid19 hit, like many other businesses, the Jewish Museum found new ways to target their audiences and built up their online presence. They approached Toffee Design to create a digital Lockdown Impact Report showcasing their achievements during this unprecedented time.

We decided to keep things simple and clear and created infographics to illustrate all the stats within the report. We limited the amount of photography and kept these in black and white. We used one colour from the brand colours throughout to add more impact. When lockdown continued for longer than expected, a Part 2 of the report was created and a new colour chosen.

The report was so successful that we have continued to produce a Bi-Annual Impact Report of the Museum’s achievements throughout the year. Each report was created using a different colour. As we moved forward with the report, we decided to add some colour photography and a secondary colour throughout as we felt this gave more of a positive vibe now that lockdown was over.

Client: Jewish Museum London
Sector: Art & Culture
Services: Brochure Design, Infographics

Marianna – you’re so brilliant!  Thank you – they look amazing and the interactive versions are fantastic. I’m recommending you to everyone!

Frances Jeens, Interim Director, The Jewish Museum