Leap London CIC Leap London CIC design and deliver projects that enhance wellbeing, promote community cohesiveness and affect change. They work closely with their partner organisations across the sectors of education, health and community, to design bespoke projects, that meet local need and respond to local issues. The client wanted something that was simple, [...]

Noir Franchise Prospectus
Avadawebsitemanager2023-04-13T15:53:01+01:00Noir Franchise Prospectus The old prospectus was dull, monochrome and uninformative. We updated the content and used the sophisticated Noir black and white branding with a touch of coloured photos to elevate the prospectus. We also added the Lotus element from the logo throughout the prospectus to reenforce the brand and give it a [...]

Lemon Fox Branding
Avadawebsitemanager2023-04-12T16:47:37+01:00Lemon Fox Branding Sarah Fox needed a name and brand identity for her new business. Sarah has extensive operational knowledge of restaurants from start-up to running successful national brands. She knows what it takes to build and run a food business and her company helps other Landloards achieve their goals. Her brand needed to [...]
Mishcon de Reya
Avadawebsitemanager2022-03-08T13:50:03+00:00Social Impact Wall Mishcon de Reya wanted to celebrate the wide-ranging successful initiatives that the staff have participated in, whilst gathering feedback and suggestions for potential new projects. Solution: A five-meter-long bespoke wall illustration communicating the organisation’s success in a playful and interactive way. Staff were invited to feedback on existing projects using and encouraged [...]
Avadawebsitemanager2023-04-27T18:27:24+01:00Linziclip Packaging and Presentation Packaging Design and Presentation design for the award-winning hair clip invention. Client: Linziclip Sector: Hair Accessories Services: Packaging Design, Presentation Design

PwC Reflections Magazine
Toffee Design2021-07-14T14:46:10+01:00PwC Reflections Magazine PwC is one of the world’s ‘Big Four’ accountancy firms, and quarterly they produce a full-colour magazine which they send out to their former partners and alumni. The magazine is full of photographs and interesting stories of what the past partners are up-to now. The brief was to refresh the design [...]

Photonics21 Rebrand
Toffee Design2023-03-28T17:43:27+01:00Photonics21 Rebrand Photonics is all about light used in all areas of life, from manufacturing to healthcare. The Photonics21 Logo incorporates the three colours that make light: red, blue and green. We created a variety of vibrant graphic devices, made up of overlapping shapes in these primary colours, which they could use on all their marketing [...]
The Wellbeing Guide
Toffee Design2023-03-28T17:44:07+01:00Wellbeing Escapes Luxury Holiday Brochure The Wellbeing Guide is a holiday brochure with a difference. Being a major player in the online luxury travel market, Wellbeing Escapes is all about helping customers find the best health and lifestyle spa choices to suit their needs. The idea being The Wellbeing Guide is to give something back [...]
RCVS Annual Review
Toffee Design2023-03-28T17:44:00+01:00RCVS Annual Review 2013 The RCVS register veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to practise in the UK, and regulate their educational, ethical and clinical standards. The RCVS Annual Review was initially a very wordy and long document. We split it into an easily accessible review using photographs of real people and their stories of how [...]
RCM Annual Report
Toffee Design2021-07-14T13:49:37+01:00Royal College of Midwives Annual Report The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) represents the interests of midwives in all four UK countries individually and collectively. At Ocean we produced a number of different things for the RCM to help promote excellence, innovation and leadership in the care of childbearing women, the newborn and their families, nationally [...]

Amathus Holidays Brochure
Toffee Design2020-09-07T15:34:53+01:00Amathus Holidays Brochure A holiday brochure full of tonnes of information which needed to be displayed consistently for each accommodation, whilst ensuring that they each stood out on their own. We created a tabbing system for each destination, so that readers could easily find and choose their ideal holiday. Client: Amathus Holidays Working with: www.creativelinkltd.co.uk